Top 10 Foods High In Manganese

Top 10 Foods High In Manganese - Are you aware that deficiency of manganese can cause health problems like diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, ataxia, hearing loss and ligament weakness? To avoid these health issues, it is very important boost your intake of manganese.
Top 10 Foods High In Manganese

Once we point out nutrition, we usually focus our attention on vitamins, protein, fiber and minerals. Manganese, as like a trace mineral, is usually ignored, regardless of as like a vital element for metabolism. This trace mineral is found in tiny amounts in several parts from the body for example liver, bones, kidneys and pancreas.

Top 10 Foods High in Manganese :

Manganese performs several important functions like metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol, calcium absorption, thyroid functions and blood sugar regulation. It enables one‘s body to form connective tissue, facilitates blood clotting and formation of bones and sex hormones. Additionally it is a component from the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD ) which could fight free radicals, preventing harm to cell membranes and DNA. Since it‘s a trace mineral, high levels of manganese also can affect neurological development.

1. Leafy Green Vegetables : 

Leafy green vegetables are an excellent supply of manganese. These include romaine lettuce, spinach, broccoli, mustard greens, dandelion greens, loose leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, collard greens, arugula, Swiss chard and kale.

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2. Fruits :

Fruits like blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, strawberries, loganberries and raspberries will also be good along with delicious causes of manganese. Pineapple juice contains 1. 4 mg of manganese inside a half cup serving while an equal level of cranberry juice provides 0. 59 mg. 

3. Whole Grains :

Whole grains really certainly can be a rich supply of manganese. Wheat germ is among the best food causes of manganese among whole grains. A quarter cup serving of wheat grain provides 6 mg of manganese. Other whole grains for example pure bran cereals contain 2. 5 to 2. 7 mg inside a quarter cup serving while bran flakes with raisins provide 1. 2 mg of manganese inside a ¾ cup serving.
Other good causes of manganese include oatmeal, whole wheat pasta and brown rice which contain about 1 mg inside a half cup serving.

4. Legumes :

Legumes will also be great foods rich in manganese. Some varieties of legumes include soy, chickpeas, lupins, pigeon peas, white beans, tofu and moth beans. Hazelnuts will be the richest causes of manganese among legumes having a quarter cup serving providing 3. 8 mg of the mineral.

Pine nuts will also be good sources with an identical serving providing 3 mg. Soy for example tempeh, tofu and soybeans contain 1 mg of manganese inside a ¾ cup serving. Chickpeas, kidney beans and navy beans will also be good sources.

5. Nuts :

Hazelnuts, chestnuts, butternuts, pine nuts, pecans, walnuts, macadamia nuts, filberts and flaxseeds are other great foods rich in manganese. Almonds really certainly can be a rich source with 100 grams serving providing 1. 835 mg or 92% from the daily recommended worth of manganese. An equal level of cashews contains 0. 826 mg or 41% of DV of manganese.

6. Spices :

Even spices contain manganese. These include spices like cloves, cardamom, ginger, salt, basil and pumpkin pie spice. Cloves will be the richest sources with 100 grams providing 60. 1 mg or 30. 06% of DV of the mineral.

7. Fish and Shellfish :

Fish and shellfish like mussels, pike, sunfish, clams, trout, oysters, perch and smelt will also be rich foods containing manganese.

8. Tea and Coffee :

Manganese is found even in tea and coffee for example green tea, instant tea and herbal tea. A cup of brewed tea contains about 0. 5 mg of manganese.

9. Sweets :

Sweets tend to be considered unhealthy. You will find a few sweets that are excellent causes of manganese and will help you meet your daily recommended dosage of the mineral. These sweets include molasses, cocoa and maple syrup. A serving of 100 grams cocoa powder or chocolate contains 3. 8 mg or 192% DV of manganese.

10. Pumpkin Seeds :

Pumpkin seeds are among the many richest causes of manganese with 100 grams serving providing 4. 5 mg, equivalent to 227% from the daily value (DV ) of the mineral. Since they‘re exceptionally high in manganese, they ought to be consumed in moderation as high levels of the mineral could have several adverse effects.

Top 10 Foods High In Manganese - These are generally the best food causes of manganese. If you are deficient during this vital trace mineral, waste no amount of in time incorporating these foods with your diet !